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Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Faktor Penyebab Sulit Berkonsentrasi

Faktor Penyebab Sulit Berkonsentrasi

Manusia diciptakan lebih sempurna dibanding mahkluk Allah lainnya, yang membedakannya yakni akal fikiran yang diberikan Allah terhadap manusi untuk digunakan sebaik-baiknya. Meskipun begitu manusia masih memiliki keterbatasan untuk berfikir dalam arti tidak bisa terus menguras fikirannya untuk masalah duniawi, ketenangan hati akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap pencerahan daya ingat yakni fikiran yang terbuka luas, sehingga akan lebih mudah untuk berkonsentrasi. Tidak hanya itu ada juga beberapa Faktor Penyebab Sulit Berkonsentrasi yang lainnya.

Mengapa Sulit Berkonsentrasi ?

Setiap orang pastinya pernah mengalami kesulitan untuk berkonsentrasi, sulit menjaga konsentrasi disebabkan oleh kondisi medis misalnya Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian dan Hiperaktivitas (GPPH). Namun tak sedikit yang dipicu hal-hal sederhana, yang tentunya lebih mudah untuk diatasi.
Konsentrasi adalah bagaimana anak fokus dalam mengerjakan atau melakukan sesuatu sehingga pekerjaan itu mampu dikerjakan dalam waktu tertentu. Kemampuan anak berkonsentrasi berbeda-beda sesuai dengan usianya. Rentang perhatian anak dalam menerima informasi melalui aktivitas apapun juga berbeda.
Adapun rentang perhatian pada anak pra-sekolah sangat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor penyebab sulit berkonsentrasi, misalnya kurang menariknya materi, faktor lingkungan yang ramai, kesulitan anak untuk mengerjakan, dll. Untuk anak-anak memang sangat dibutuhkan kemampuan yang aktif untuk menyampaikan materi dan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan motoriknya.
Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan kesulitan konsentrasi adalah bila tidak fokus dalam memperhatikan suatu hal atau perhatiannya terpecah dan mudah beralih. Jadi, untuk suatu pekerjaan, dia tidak bisa menuntaskannya. Sedikit-sedikit, perhatiannya sudah berubah dan itu terjadi pada semua hal. Akan tetapi kesimpulan bahwa seorang anak sulit konsentrasi, baru bisa didapat setelah dibandingkan dengan anak normal umumnya.
Kurangnya konsentrasi berfikir memang sudah hal yang wajar, namun selagi ada jalan untuk bisa mengatasinya marilah kita hindari faktor penyebab sulit berkonsentrasi dari sekarang sebelum terlambat. Untuk selengkapnya bisa di simak ulasan berikut ini.

Ada tiga hal yang menyebabkan terjadinya kesulitan berkonsentrasi, yaitu:

Faktor Eksternal 
Ada dua hal yang bisa mempengaruhi, antara lain :
Lingkungan, untuk faktor lingkungan, misalnya, anak diberi tugas menggambar. Pada saat yang bersamaan, ia mendengar suara ramai dan itu lebih menarik perhatiannya sehingga tugasnya pun diabaikan. Berarti lingkungan mempengaruhi konsentrasinya.
Pola pengasuhan yang permissive, yaitu pengasuhan yang sifatnya menerima atau membolehkan apa saja yang anak lakukan. Sehingga anak kurang dilatih untuk menyelesaikan suatu tugas sampai selesai dan jika ia mengalami kesulitan orang tua bisa membantunya sehingga ia mampu menyelesaikannya tidak dibiarkan saja anak beralih melakukan sesuatu yang lain.
Faktor Psikologis
Faktor psikologia anak juga bisa mempengaruhi konsentrasi anak. Anak yang mengalami tekanan, ketika mengerjakan sesuatu ia bisa menjadi tidak konsentrasi sehingga tidak fokus dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. Contoh yang berbeda, misalnya “suasana di sekolah yang berbeda dengan suasana di rumah. Anak kaget, karena mempunyai teman yang lebih berani, sehingga ketakutan dan kekhawatiran si anak membuatnya sulit untuk konsentrasi. Akibatnya, konsentrasi di kelas untuk menerima pelajaran menjadi berkurang. Jadi, karena faktor psikologis anak yang disebabkan karena kurangnya kemampuan bersosialisasi bisa membuat anak menjadi kurang berkonsentrasi di sekolah.
Faktor Internal
Inillah salah satu faktor penyebab sulit berkonsentrasi, berkenaan dengan faktor internal adalah faktor dari dalam dirinya sendiri antara lain karena adanya gangguan perkembangan otak dan hormon yang dihasilkan lebih banyak sehingga anak cenderung menjadi hiperaktif. Jika anak lamban/lambat disebabkan karena hormone yang dihasilkan oleh neurotransmitter-nya kurang. Sehingga bisa mengakibatkan lambannya konsentrasi.
Konsentrasi atau perhatian biasanya berada di otak daerah frontal (depan) dan parientalis (samping). Gangguan di daerah ini bisa menyebabkan kurang atensi atau perhatian. Jadi, karena sistem di otak dalam memformulasikan fungsi-fungsi aktivitas, seperti penglihatan, pendengaran, motorik, dan lainnya, di seluruh jaringan otak itu terganggu, maka anak tidak dapat berkonsentrasi karena input yang masuk ke otak terganggu. Akibatnya, stimulasinya pun tidak bagus, Gangguan ini bukan merupakan bawaan melainkan bisa didapat misalnya karena terkena infeksi otak.
Karena itulah penyebab sulitnya berkonsentrasi harus dicari terlebih dahulu apakah karena faktor eksternal atau internal. Apabila penyebabnya karena faktor lingkungan, orang tua dapat membantu anak untuk meminimalkan lingkungan sedemikian rupa agar anak bisa fokus atau memusatkan perhatiannya. Biasanya kalau sudah memasuki usia sekolah, di mana rentang konsentrasi-nya sudah lebih panjang, anak tidak terlalu bermasalah kecuali jika anak memang mempunyai kelainan. Sedangkan untuk anak yang mengalami gangguan konsentrasi yang lebih disebabkan karena faktor dari dalam dirinya seperti hiperaktif, terapi yang diberikan adalah secara medik/obat dan terapi perilaku. Umumnya kalau sudah diberi obat, hiperaktifnya berkurang. Sedangkan untuk konsentrasi lambat diterapi untuk meningkatkan konsentrasinya.
Setelah kita ketahui apa saja faktor penyebab sulit berkonsentrasi, lalu bagaimanakah untuk cara mengatasinya ? Tentu jawabannya dengan menghidari beberapa faktor penyebab diatas. Demikian ulasan yang dapat di sampaikan semoga anda bisa lebih memperhatikan cara berfikir anda dalam meningkatkan daya konsentrasi. Adapun salah satu minuman kesehatan yang mampu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan konsentrasi yaitu dengan jus manggis xamthone plus, bahkan xamthone plus juga sangat berkhasiat sebagai obat herbal penyakit jantung.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Preview Mu vs Ajax

Preview: Ajax vs United, Duel Alumni Liga Champions

Preview: Ajax vs United, Duel Alumni Liga Champions

Manchester United memulai 'hidup baru' di Liga Europa dengan bertandang ke markas Ajax Amsterdam di babak 32 besar, Jumat (17/02) dini hari nanti.

Menjamu United, Ajax kehilangan banyak pemain kunci mereka. Di barisan pertahanan, Andre Ooijer, Gregory Van der Weil bakal absen karena cedera.Frank de Boer bakal menempatkan pemain muda, Dico Koppers sejak menit awal.

Sedangkan lini tengah Ajax dipastikan tanpa Eyong Enoh yang sedang cedera.Theo Janssen sudah pulih dan siap turun sejak menit awal, sementara Derk Boerrigter dan Kolbeinn Sigthorsson juga tengah berpacu dengan waktu untuk bisa kembali fit.

Kekuatan United dipastikan tereduksi setelah bakal bermain tanpa Ryan Giggs,Dimitar Berbatov dan Patrice Evra yang ditinggal di Inggris karena menjalani perawatan cedera. Kabar baiknya, Tom Cleverley, Nani dan Phil Jones juga sudah bisa kembali bermain.

Pemain United lainnya yang sedang berada di kamar perawatan setan merah adalah Chris Smalling, Anders Lindegaard, Anderson, dan Michael Owen,


  • Untuk pertama kalinya sejak tahun 1995, United akan bermain di Liga Eropa. Di tahun yang sama, United disingkirkan oleh klub Rusia, Rotor Volgograd pada putaran pertama.
  • Kedua klub sudah pernah saling berhadapan di dua laga leg musim 1975-76, yang berakhir dengan kemenangan 2-1 untuk setan merah.
  • Klub Inggris terakhir yang bermain di Amsterdam Arena di laga kompetitif adalah Arsenal, yang berakhir dengan kemenangan 2-1 bagi The Gunners di tahun 2005.

Ajax Asmterdam(4-3-3) :
 Vermeer; Anita, Alderweireld, Vertonghen, Koppers; De Jong, Eriksen, Janssen; Sulejmani, Lodeiro, Aissati.

Manchester United (4-4-2) : De Gea; Rafael, Ferdinand, Evans, Fabio; Valencia, Carrick, Cleverley, Park; Rooney, Welbeck. 

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

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Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

MUngkinkah Ronaldo kembali ke Manchester United

Ini Hanya opini sebagian orang.........
Madrid  berharap bisa bermain lagi di . Tapi sepakbola yang kini memperkuat  itu masih sangat bahagia bersama timnya. Akankah CR7  Inggris?
 jadi klub yang melambungkan nama Ronaldo. Selama enam tahun bermukim di , pesepakbola yang kini berusia 26 tahun ini sudah membawa MU meraih total sembilan trofi sekaligus menjadikan dia sebagai pemain terbaik dunia 2008.
Dua tahun lalu, Ronaldo dilepas ke Real Madrid agar si pemain bisa bermain untuk klub yang diimpikannya sejak kecil. Nilai transfernya mencapai 80 juta pounds, termahal dalam dunia.
Ronaldo mengaku sangat bahagia bersama Madrid bahkan dia ingin menghabiskan kariernya di sana. Tetapi dia tetap tidak dapat menutup kemungkinan akan kembali ke Inggris di masa depan.
“Aku punya banyak kenangan indah dari Manchester dan ketika aku menonton (pertandingan) aku sangat merindukannya karena bagian diriku masih berada di Inggris,” ungkap Ronaldo kepada
“Aku tidak menutup pintu (kembali ke Inggris), jadi mungkin saja terjadi di masa depan. Aku berharap demikian, karena aku tahu liga-nya, aku tahu para pemainnya, aku tahu atmosfirnya.”
“Kenapa tidak? Aku berharap demikian tapi anda tidak pernah tahu. Tim yang lebih ku sukai di Inggris adalah Manchester tapi aku tidak bisa bilang aku akan bermain di sana karena aku sangat, sangat bahagia di Madrid.”
“Aku bilang beberapa kali kalau Madrid menginginkan, aku mau dikontrak selama 10 tahun hingga akhir karirku tapi tidak ada yang tahu masa depan seseorang. Aku tak bisa bohong jika aku akan bertahan disini selama 10 tahun, bahwa aku tidak akan kembali ke Manchester. Ini tidak adil. Lihat saja masa depan yang Tuhan siapkan untukku,” tukasnya.
Sir  merupakan sosok utama dibalik  yang dicapai Ronaldo sekarang ini. Ia pun menaruh respek besar terhadap mantan bos-nya itu.
“Karena aku bermain di Madrid bukan berarti aku berhenti berbicara dengan mantan rekan-rekanku, ketika punya kesempatan, aku bicara dengan ,” sambung Ronaldo.
“Penting buatku ketika aku bermain di sana, ketika hidupku disana sungguh enak bicara dengan dia karena aku tidak pernah lupa siapa yang sudah sangat membantuku. Selalu ada akhir dari sesuatu apa yang sudah ku lakukan di Manchester sudah selesai karena aku .Ini hanya opini,sebab ronaldo tidak betah dengan cibiran madridista kepadanya.yang hanya bisa menyalahkan diri nya.pada lanjutan laliga

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Makhluk yang dianggap sebagai Cadborosaurus terekam kamera di teluk Nushagak, Alaska

Pada tahun 2009, ada desas-desus kalau seorang nelayan di Alaska telah berhasil merekam makhluk misterius yang disebut sebagai Cadborosaurus dan menyerahkan hasil rekaman itu kepada Discovery Channel. Desas-desus itu ternyata benar dan pada hari ini Discovery channel akan menayangkan rekaman tersebut secara exclusive.

Apakah kita telah mendapatkan bukti keberadaan makhluk cryptid Cadborosaurus?

Bisa saja. Walaupun masih terlalu jauh untuk menyimpulkannya dengan pasti.

Rekaman yang menarik ini diambil oleh seorang nelayan di teluk Nushagak, Alaska, pada tahun 2009, dan akan ditayangkan perdana hari ini pada acara"Hillstranded", sebuah dokumenter spesial dari Discovery Channel.

Pada rekaman tersebut, terlihat adanya seekor (atau lebih) makhluk panjang seperti ular sedang berenang di teluk. Ukurannya kurang lebih sekitar 6 sampai 9 meter dengan punuk di punggungnya. Makhluk itu juga menyemburkan air dari punggungnya seperti seekor ikan paus. Ini cukup luar biasa karena tidak ada ikan yang menyemburkan air dari punggungnya selain paus. Makhluk dalam rekaman tersebut, jelas bukan seekor paus.

Ini screen shot rekaman tersebut. Kalian bisa menyaksikan cuplikan dari discovery channel di akhir postingan ini.

Ketika melihat makhluk dalam rekaman tersebut, mungkin orang-orang akan segera menghubungkannya dengan Nessie, cryptid paling termashyur di dunia dari Lochness, Skotlandia. Namun, para cryptozoologyst yang menyaksikannya menemukan kalau makhluk itu lebih mirip dengan makhluk cryptid lainnya, yaitu Cadborosaurus, yang diberi nama berdasarkan teluk Cadboro di British Columbia, tempat makhluk jenis ini pertama kali ditemukan.

Paul LeBlond, mantan kepala Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences di universitas British Columbia mengatakan kepada Discovery News kalau ia sangat terkesan dengan rekaman tersebut. LeBlond pernah membantu menulis buku mengenai Cadborosaurus yang berjudul "Cadborosaurus: Survivor from the deep".

"Walaupun rekaman itu diambil pada situasi yang sedikit hujan dan kapal yang bergoyang, rekaman itu terlihat sangat asli."

Cadborosaurus sendiri memiliki nama julukan Cadborosaurus Willsi, yang berarti reptil atau kadal dari teluk Cadboro. Namun, kadang-kadang orang-orang hanya menyebutnya sebagai Caddy.

Makhluk ini dianggap sebagai salah satu jenis ular laut yang memiliki kepala seperti kuda, mata yang besar dan punggung yang berpunuk.

Penampakan makhluk seperti ini telah dilaporkan selama puluhan tahun. Namun baru pada tahun 1937 ditemukan bangkainya di Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia. Bangkai itu ditemukan di dalam perut seekor ikan paus.

Sejak saat itu, nama Cadborosaurus mulai dikenal secara luas.
Bangkai Cadborosaurus yang misterius itu kemudian diteliti dan disimpulkan sebagai bangkai anak paus. Namun kesimpulan ini ditolak oleh sebagian orang, termasuk oleh pekerja yang menemukannya pertama kali.

Misteriusnya, bangkai itu kemudian hilang entah kemana.

Karena itu, rekaman Alaska menjadi sangat penting bagi para cryptozoolgyst yang ingin meneliti kembali kemungkinan keberadaan makhluk ini.

Banyak peneliti percaya kalau Cadborosarus adalah sejenis belut raksasa atau Frill Shark (Yang memang berbentuk mirip belut). Namun LeBlond menyangsikannya karena gerakan makhluk yang terlihat dalam rekaman tidak seperti gerakan seekor ikan.

"Pastilah makhluk (dalam rekaman) itu sejenis reptil atau mamalia karena ia bergerak naik turun (berosilasi) secara vertikal. Ikan sendiri bergerak ke kiri dan kanan."

Tentu saja satu-satunya cara untuk menentukan identitas makhluk itu adalah dengan menemukan makhluk misterius tersebut. Rekaman ini mungkin bisa menjadi patokan bagi para cryptozoolgyst.

Jim Covel, senior manager pada Monterey Bay Aquarium, menyimpulkannya dengan sangat baik.

"Kita memang masih menemukan banyak spesies baru di dalam lautan sehingga memungkinkan beberapa orang untuk mengakomodasi pikiran-pikiran seperti ini dan mengisi kekosongan yang ada dengan imajinasi. Namun, hal ini menunjukkan betapa eksplorasi ilmiah sangat dibutuhkan."
Siapa tahu, mungkin suatu hari Cadborosaurus yang misterius itu akan muncul kembali.

Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Kemenangan MU atas Arsenal

Inilah Kunci Kemenangan MU atas Arsenal

London - Manchester United berhasil meraih poin penuh atas Arsenal di Stadion Emirates, Senin (23/1/2012) dinihari WIB. Lantas, apa kunci kemenangan 'Setan Merah'?
MU menang dengan skor 2-1 berkat gol yang dicetak oleh Antonio Valencia dan Danny Welbeck. Gol balasan Arsenal dicetak oleh Robin van Persie. Menurut kapten MU, Patrice Evra, kunci kemenangan timnya adalah dengan membidik dua bek sayap Arsenal.

Saat itu Arsenal menurunkan pemain yang bukan bermain di posisi aslinya. 'The Gunners' memasangan Djohan Djorou sebagai bek kanan dimana sejatinya ia adalah seorang bek tengah. Begitu juga dengan posisi bek kiri. Arsenal memasang seorang bek tengah disana, yakni Thomas Vermaelen.

Gol pertama MU tercipta ketika Giggs berhasil melewati Djorou dan melepaskan umpan silang ke kotak penalti dan disambut oleh tandukkan Valencia. Bahkan, Arsenal menarik keluar Djorou di awal babak kedua dan memasukkan Nico Yennaris.

"Rencana kami adalah menekan Arsenal di posisi bek kanan dan kiri dan itu yang kami lakukan," tutur Evra kepada Sky Sports.

"Kami tampil bagus di babak pertama, namun semua berubah di babak kedua. Kami tidak hanya fokus kepada Djorou. Kami ingin terus tampil prima dan melakukan serangan balik dengan cepat. Kami telah melakukan ini berulang kali ketika berhadapan dengan Arsenal," pungkasnya.

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

INfo MUsic

Linkin Park

Linkin Park is an American rock band from Agoura Hills, California. Formed in 1996, the band rose to international fame with their debut album, Hybrid Theory, which was certified Diamond by the RIAA in 2005 and multi-platinum in several other countries. Its following studio album, Meteora, continued the band's success, topping the Billboard 200 album chart in 2003, and was followed by extensive touring and charity work around the world. In 2003, MTV2 named Linkin Park the sixth greatest band of the music video era and the third best of the new millennium behind Oasis and ColdplayBillboard ranked Linkin Park #19 on the Best Artists of the Decade chart.
Having adapted the nu metal and rap metal genres to a radio-friendly yet densely layered style in Hybrid Theory and Meteora, the band explored other genres in their next studio album, Minutes to Midnight, which was released in 2007. The album topped theBillboard charts and had the third best debut week of any album that year.The band has collaborated with several other artists, most notably with rapper Jay-Z in their mashup EP Collision Course, and many others included on Reanimation. The band's most recent work, the concept album A Thousand Suns, was released on September 8, 2010. Linkin Park has sold over 50 million albums worldwide and has won two Grammy Awards.


Early years (1996–1999)

The founding of Linkin Park began with three high school friends; Mike ShinodaRob Bourdon, and Brad Delson.[15] After graduating from high school, the three began to take their musical interests more seriously, recruiting Joe Hahn, Dave "Phoenix" Farrell, and Mark Wakefield to perform in their band, Xero. Though limited in resources, the band began recording and producing songs within Shinoda’s make-shift bedroom studio in 1996.[15][16] Tensions and frustration within the band grew after they failed to land a record deal.[15] The lack of success and stalemate in progress prompted Wakefield, at that time the band's vocalist, to leave the band in search of other projects.[15][16] Farrell also left to tour with Tasty Snax and other bands.[17][18]
After spending a considerable time searching for Wakefield's replacement, Xero recruited Arizona vocalist, Chester Bennington, who was recommended by Jeff Blue, the vice president of Zomba Music in March 1999.[19] Bennington, formerly of a post-grunge band by the name of Grey Daze, became a standout among applicants because of the dynamic in his singing style.[15] The band then agreed on changing its name from Xero to Hybrid Theory.[17] The newborn vocal chemistry between Shinoda and Bennington helped revive the band, inciting them to work on new material.[15] The band’s renaissance culminated with a change in name; from Hybrid Theory, the band once again changed its name, this time to Linkin Park, a play on and homage to Santa Monica’s Lincoln Park.[15] However, despite these changes, the band still struggled to sign a record deal. After facing numerous rejections from several majorrecord labels, Linkin Park turned to Jeff Blue for additional help. After failing to catch Warner Bros. Records on three previous reviews, Jeff Blue, now the vice president of Warner Bros. Records, helped the band sign a deal with the company in 1999. The band released its breakthrough album, Hybrid Theory, the following year.[19]

Hybrid Theory (2000–2002)

Linkin Park released Hybrid Theory on October 24, 2000.[20][21] The album, which represented half a decade’s worth of the band’s work, was edited by Don Gilmore.[15] Hybrid Theorywas a massive commercial success; it sold more than 4.8 million copies during its debut year, earning it the status of best-selling album of 2001, while singles such as "Crawling" and "One Step Closer" established themselves as staples among alternative rock radio play lists during the year.[17] Additionally, other singles from the album were featured in films such asDracula 2000Little Nicky, and Valentine.[17] Hybrid Theory won a Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance for the song "Crawling" and was nominated for two other Grammy AwardsBest New Artist and Best Rock Album.[22] MTV awarded the band their Best Rock Video and Best Direction awards for "In the End".[15] Through the winning of the Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance, Hybrid Theory’s overall success had catapulted the band into mainstream success.
During this time, Linkin Park received many invitations to perform on many high-profile tours and concerts including OzzfestFamily Values Tour and KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas.[17][23] The band also formed its own tour, Projekt Revolution, which featured other notable artists such as Cypress HillAdema, and Snoop Dogg.[19] Within a year’s stretch, Linkin Park had performed at over 320 concerts.[15] The experiences and performances of the precocious band were documented in its first DVD, Frat Party at the Pankake Festival, which debuted in November 2001. Now reunited with former bassist Phoenix, the band began work on a remix album, dubbed Reanimation, which would include works from Hybrid Theoryand non-album tracks also.[17] Reanimation debuted on July 30, 2002, featuring the likes of Black ThoughtJonathan DavisAaron Lewis, and many others.[24] Reanimation claimed the second spot on the Billboard 200, and sold nearly 270,000 copies during its debut week.[25] Hybrid Theory is also in the RIAA's Top 100 Albums.[26]

Meteora (2002–2004)

Following the success of Hybrid Theory and Reanimation, Linkin Park spent a significant amount of time touring around the United States. The band members began to work on new material amidst its saturated schedule, spending a sliver of their free time in their tour bus' studio.[27] The band officially announced the production of a new studio album in December 2002, revealing its new work was inspired by the rocky region of Meteora in Greece, where numerous monasteries have been built on top of the rocks.[28] Meteora features a mixture of the band's previous nu metal and rapcore styles with newer innovative effects, including the induction of a shakuhachi (a Japanese flute made of bamboo) and other instruments.[15] Linkin Park's second album debuted on March 25, 2003 and instantly earned worldwide recognition,[15] going to No.1 in the US and UK, and No.2 in Australia.[16]
Meteora sold more than 800,000 copies during its first week, and it ranked as the best selling album on the Billboard charts at the time.[29] The album's singles, including "Somewhere I Belong", "Breaking the Habit", "Faint", and "Numb", received significant radio attention.[30] By October 2003, Meteora sold nearly three million copies.[31] The album's success allowed Linkin Park to form another Projekt Revolution, which featured other bands and artists including, MudvayneBlindside, and Xzibit.[15] Additionally, Metallica invited Linkin Park to play at the Summer Sanitarium Tour 2003, which included well-known acts such as Limp Bizkit, Mudvayne and Deftones.[32] The band released an album and DVD, entitled Live in Texas, which consisted of audio and video tracks of some of the band's performances in Texas during the tour.[15] In early 2004, Linkin Park started a world tour titled the Meteora World Tour. Supporting bands on the tour included HoobastankP.O.D. and Story of the Year.
Meteora earned the band multiple awards and honors. The band won the MTV awards for Best Rock Video for "Somewhere I Belong" and the Viewer's Choice Award for "Breaking the Habit".[33] Linkin Park also received significant recognition during the 2004 Radio Music Awards, winning the Artist of the Year and Song of the Year ("Numb") awards.[33] AlthoughMeteora was not nearly as successful as Hybrid Theory, it was the third best selling album in the United States during 2003.[17] The band spent the first few months of 2004 touring around the world, first with the third Projekt Revolution tour, and later several European concerts.[17]

Side projects (2004–2006)

Mike Shinoda interviewed with MTV Thailand in Bangkok
Following Meteora's success, the band postponed working on a new studio album for the next few years. Instead, Linkin Park continued to tour and work on many side projects. Bennington appeared on DJ Lethal’s "State of the Art" and other work with Dead by Sunrise, while Shinoda did work with Depeche Mode.[17]In 2004, the band began to work with Jay-Z to produce another remix album, entitled Collision Course. The album, which featured intermixed lyrics and background tracks from both artists' previous albums, debuted in November 2004. Shinoda also formed a new band, Fort Minor, as a side project. With the aid of Jay-Z, Fort Minor released its debut album, The Rising Tied, to critical acclaim.[34][35] At the same time, the band's relationship with Warner Bros. Records was deteriorating rapidly on account of several trust and financial issues.[36] After months of feuding, the band finally negotiated a deal in December 2005.[37]
Linkin Park also participated in numerous charitable events, most notably raised money to benefit victims of hurricane Charley in 2004 and later hurricane Katrina in 2005.[17] The band donated $75,000 to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation in March 2004.[38] They also helped relief efforts for the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami victims by staging several charity concerts and setting up an additional fund called "Music for Relief".[39] Most notably, however, the band participated at Live 8, a series of charitable benefit concerts set up to raise global awareness.[40] Alongside Jay-Z, the band performed on Live 8's stage inPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, to a global audience.[40] The band would later be reunited with Jay-Z at the Grammy Award Ceremony 2006, during which they performed "Numb/Encore", en route to winning a Grammy for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration.[41] They were joined on stage by Paul McCartney who added verses from the song "Yesterday". They would later go on to play at the 2006 Summer Sonic music festival, which was hosted by Metallica in Japan.[42]

Minutes to Midnight (2006–2008)

Linkin Park performing at 2007's Novarock Festival
Linkin Park returned to the recording studios in 2006 to work on new material. To produce the album, the band chose producer Rick Rubin. Despite initially stating the album would debut sometime in 2006, the album was delayed until 2007.[8] The band had recorded thirty to fifty songs in August 2006, when Shinoda stated the album was halfway completed.[43] Bennington later added that the new album would stray away from its previous nu metal sound.[44] Warner Bros. Records officially announced that the band’s third studio album, entitled Minutes to Midnight, would be released on May 15, 2007 in the United States.[45] After spending fourteen months working on the album, the band members opted to further refine their album by removing five of the original seventeen tracks. The album’s title, a reference to the Doomsday Clock, foreshadowed the band's new lyrical themes.[46] Minutes to Midnight sold over 625,000 copies in its first week, making it one of the most successful debut week albums in recent years. The album also took the top spot on the Billboard Charts.[11]
The album's first single, "What I've Done", was released on April 2, and premiered on MTV and Fuse within the same week.[47] The single was acclaimed by listeners, becoming the top-ranked song on the Billboard's Modern Rock Tracks and Mainstream Rock Trackscharts.[48] The song is also used in soundtrack for the 2007 action film, Transformers. Mike Shinoda was also featured on the Styles of Beyond song "Second to None" which was also included in the film. Later in the year, the band won the "Favorite Alternative Artist" in theAmerican Music Awards.[49] The band also saw success with the rest of the albums singles, "Bleed It Out", "Shadow of the Day", "Given Up", and "Leave Out All the Rest", which were released throughout 2007 and early 2008. The band also collaborated with Busta Rhymes on his single "We Made It", which was released on April 29.[50]
Linkin Park's touring and live shows have, among other things, included a performance at Live Earth Japan on July 7, 2007.[51] and headlining Download Festival in Donington Park, England and Edgefest in Downsview ParkToronto, Canada. The band completed touring on its fourth Projekt Revolution tour before taking up an Arena tour around the United Kingdom, visiting NottinghamSheffield and Manchester, before finishing on a double night at the O2 arena in London. Bennington stated that Linkin Park plans to release a follow-up album toMinutes to Midnight.[52] However, he stated the band will first embark on a United States tour to gather inspiration for the album.[52] In an interview with Rolling Stone, Bennington said that the band had already begun writing new material for the album, and Shinoda too stated that the album could well be released in late 2009. Mike Shinoda also announced a live CD/DVD entitled Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes, which is a live video recording from the Projekt Revolution gig at the Milton Keynes Bowl on June 29, 2008, which was officially released on November 24, 2008.[53]

A Thousand Suns (2008–2011)

Linkin Park performing at Sonisphere Festival in Finland.
In May 2009, Linkin Park announced they were working on a fourth studio album, which was planned to be released on 2010. Shinoda toldIGN that the new album would be 'genre-busting,' while building off of elements in Minutes to Midnight.[54] He also mentioned that the album would be more experimental and "hopefully more cutting-edge."[55] Bennington also addressed the media to confirm that Rick Rubin would return to produce the new album. The band later revealed the album would be called A Thousand Suns.[56]
While working on the new album, Linkin Park worked with successful film composer Hans Zimmer to produce the score for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.[57] The band released a single for the movie, entitled "New Divide". Joe Hahn created a music video for the song, which featured clips from the film.[58] On June 22, Linkin Park played a short set in Westwood Village after the premier of the movie.[59] After completing work for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the band returned to the studio to finalize their album.[60]
On January 19, 2010, Linkin Park released a new song entitled "Not Alone" as part of a compilation from Music for Relief called Download to Donate for Haiti in support of the Haiti Earthquake crisis. On February 10, 2010, Linkin Park released the official music video for the song on their homepage.
On April 26, the band released an app for the iPhoneiPod Touch, and iPad, a game called 8-Bit Rebellion! It featured the band as playable characters, and a new song called "Blackbirds" which was unlockable by beating the game. The song was also later released as an iTunes bonus track on A Thousand Suns.
A Thousand Suns was released on September 14. The album’s first single, "The Catalyst", was released on August 2. The band promoted their new album by launching a concert tour, which started in Los Angeles on September 7.[61][62][63] Linkin Park also relied on MySpace to promote their album, releasing two additional songs, "Waiting for the End" and "Blackout" on September 8.[64][65][66][67] Furthermore, a documentary about the album's production, entitled A Thousand Suns: The Full Experience, was available for streaming on the band's MySpace page.[68] On August 31, 2010, it was announced that the band would perform the single live for the first at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12, 2010.[69] The venue of the debut live performance of the single was Griffith Observatory, an iconic location used in Hollywood movies.[70][71][72] "Waiting for the End" was released as the second single of A Thousand Suns.
Linkin Park reached No.8 in Billboard Social 50, a chart of the most active artists on the world's leading social networking sites.[73] In other Billboard Year-End charts, the band reached No.92 in the "Top Artists" chart,[74] as well as A Thousand Suns reaching No.53 in the Year-End chart of the Billboard Top 200 albums[75] and No.7 in the 2010 Year-End Rock Albums, and "The Catalyst" reaching No.40 in the Year-End Rock Songs chart.[76]
On January 11, 2011, an updated version of Download to Donate for Haiti was launched, called Download to Donate for Haiti V2.0, with more songs to download. For the updated compilation, the band released Keaton Hashimoto's remix of "The Catalyst" from the "Linkin Park featuring YOU" contest.[77] "Burning in the Skies" was released as the third official single of A Thousand Suns on March 21, 2011.
Shinoda designed two t-shirts, in which the proceeds will go to Music For Relief to help the victims of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami disasters.[78][79] Music For Relief released Download to Donate: Tsunami Relief Japan, another compilation of songs, in which the proceeds will go to Save the Children.[80]
On April 13, 2011, Shinoda confirmed that the album's fourth single will be "Iridescent". He also confirmed that there will be a new, slightly shorter version of the song, which will be part of the soundtrack of the upcoming film Transformers: Dark of the Moon, continuing the streak of Linkin Park songs being the theme songs of the Transformers films (after "What I've Done" and "New Divide"), as well as the fact that a music video will be shot for the single.[81] The video was directed by Joe Hahn, who directed the videos for both of the previous songs.
The band were nominated for six Billboard Awards in 2011 for Top Duo/Group, Best Rock Album for A Thousand Suns, Top Rock Artist, Top Alternative Artist, Top Alternative Song for "Waiting for the End" and Top Alternative Album for A Thousand Suns, but did not win any award.[82]

Fifth album (2011–present)

In June 2011, Bennington revealed to Kerrang! that Linkin Park has begun working on new material for their next album. He explained, "We've been working on a new record for the past two months. The music is great and we're well ahead of where we're expecting to be. There aren't a whole lot of noises going on, but there are a lot of good songs. It will probably get a very polarized reaction. Which pleases me. As an artist, I want a reaction." The singer added that the band would be looking to tackle controversial topics on their new album, rather than the more personal subjects of their older material. "We've learned how to write serious songs and serious lyrics. We've learned how to deal with politics, faith and other things. Those are things that can get preachy really quickly, which we don't want to do. So you need to learn to talk to people and not at people", he said.[83]
Rick Rubin will be a producer on the new album. "Typically we'll have a once-a-week meeting to go listen to the songs that they're coming up with and talk about them. For so early in the project, they are much further along than they have been on the last two albums we did. On A Thousand Suns there were still a lot of irons in the fire. We knew, 'OK, we can't do this forever. Let's leave this batch and we'll come back and address it when we start up again'", Rubin said.[84]
In July 2011, Bennington told Rolling Stone that Linkin Park aims to produce a new album every eighteen months, and that he would be shocked if a new album did not come out in 2012. The band continues to record and produce new material even while touring. Bennington commented on Linkin Park's schedule, stating, "Touring for two years is excruciating. When we would tour for two years even the most resilient person in the band, at the end of that, was fucking miserable."[85] He further elaborated on their ideas in an interview with MTV saying, "We do have a really great head start. We've got some great music, some good ideas. The creativity has continued to flow for us for the last few years, consistently."[86] He later revealed in another interview in September 2011 that the band was still in the beginning phases of the next album, saying "We just kind of began. We like to keep the creative juices flowing, so we try to keep that going all the time...we like the direction that we're going in."[87]
In November 8, 2011, the band was awarded with a Global Leadership Award at the Global Leadership Awards Dinner of the United Nations Foundation and the United Nations Association of the United States of America, for their efforts to highlight the importance of the UN and for utilizing their fan base to help those in need through Music For Relief. The band also announced that their "Power the World" campaign.[88] "Power the World" encourages their fans to donate in order to give one million families in Haiti solar-powered lights, since the country still faces severe energy poverty. The project supports the Sustainable Energy For All initiative of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.[89] The band released several YouTubevideos to promote the campaign.[90][91][92]
The band charted in numerous Billboard Year-End charts in 2011. The band was No.39 in the Top Artists Chart,[93] No.84 in the Billboard 200 Artists chart,[94] No.11 in the Social 50 Chart,[95] No.6 in the Top Rock Artists Chart,[96] No.9 in the Rock Songs Artists Chart,[97] No.16 in the Rock Albums Chart,[98] No.4 in the Hard Rock Albums Chart,[99] and No.7 in the Alternative Songs Chart.[100]

Musical style

Both Hybrid Theory and Meteora combine the alternative metal,[7] nu metal,[17][101][102][103][104] and rap rock[104][105] sound with influences and elements from hip-hopalternative rock,[106] and electronica, utilizing programming and synthesizers. William Ruhlmann from Allmusic regarded it as "a Johnny-come-lately to an already overdone musical style,"[107]whereas Rolling Stone described their song "Breaking the Habit" as "risky, beautiful art".[108]
In Minutes to Midnight the band experimented with their established sound and drew influences from a wider and more varied range of genres and styles, a process Los Angeles Timescompares to a stage in U2's work.[109] In it, only two of the songs feature rapping, and the majority of the album can be considered alternative rock.[110][111] NME magazine's Dan Silver criticized the band's approach, calling it the "sound of a band trying and failing to forge a new identity", and referring to the song "Hands Held High", a song about terrorist attacks and war, as "far and away the funniest thing you will hear all year".[112]
The vocal interplay between Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda plays as a major part within Linkin Park's music, with Bennington being the lead vocalist and Shinoda as the rappingvocalist. On Linkin Park's third album, Minutes to Midnight, Shinoda sings lead vocals on "In Between", "Hands Held High", and on the B-side "No Roads Left". On numerous songs from band's fourth album, A Thousand Suns, such as the album's four singles, both Shinoda and Bennington sing. On most of the record's tracks, the band notably used electronic drumbeats along with outro drumbeats. The album has been regarded as a turning point in the band's musical career by notable critics. James Montgomery, of MTV, compared the record toRadiohead's Kid A, while Jordy Kasko of Review, Rinse, Repeat likened the album to both Kid A and Pink Floyd's landmark album The Dark Side of the Moon.[114] Shinoda stated that he and the other band members were deeply influenced by Chuck D and Public Enemy. He elaborated: "Public Enemy were very three-dimensional with their records because although they seemed political, there was a whole lot of other stuff going on in there too. It made me think how three-dimensional I wanted our record to be without imitating them of course, and show where we were at creatively" One of the record's political elements is its samples of notable speeches by American political figures.